To Be Authentic, with Stacey Estrella
Your Human Design is a treasure map that tells you what’s uniquely you. It contains clues to unlock your true gifts, desires, and purpose, and it shows you how to achieve all of these with ease. When combined with the highest energetic frequency of your Gene Keys, you become magnetic — and the path to getting what you want becomes so much easier. This podcast will teach you how to access and trust your inner knowing as you align every part of your life with who you truly are. I will share stories from my own life; practical guidance for using the tools of Human Design and the Gene Keys; and interviews with experts and everyday people using these same tools to transform their lives and relationships.
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
13. Five Practical Benefits to Living Your Human Design
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
The esoteric origins of Human Design can be super off-putting. I know. I have the Channel of Logic which includes the Gate of Doubt which is always searching for the anomaly — the thing that breaks the model or proves whether or not something is a scam or a sham.
My long personal journey of self-discovery has fueled my curiosity and experimentation with every self-awareness tool from the Enneagram to Meyers-Briggs, HBDI, and Clifton Strengths.
While each of these capture a particular facet of who you are from the ego-mind perspective (because the data is captured through self-assessment questions), Human Design bypasses the mind altogether and gives you the most comprehensive, systemic, and integrated view of the true you and a mechanism for "driving" your particular design.
This episode debunks some of the fear-talk of the mind: "it's a belief system," "it's a cult," "it will upend my life," and offers a glimpse at the practical application and benefits you'll experience in your life and relationships almost immediately.
In the same way that gravity is a mathematical law of the physical universe we "obey" when we decide not to walk off the roof of a building, your Human Design is the mathematical formula or "blueprint" that describes the gifts, energetics, decision-making apparatus, and wayfinding mechanics of you.
Aren't you the least bit curious to understand why you succeed effortlessly when you succeed — and why you don't when you don't? The answer is in your Human Design.
Energy Type statistics.
Gene Keys Golden Path (includes Genius, Love, and Prosperity sequences).
Join 42,000,000+ people who are already living their unique Human Design.
If you want to learn more about your unique energetic blueprint and specific opportunities to unlock your magnetism, my Superpowers + Kryptonite reading is a wonderful place to start! Click here to learn more and book your 90-minute reading with me.
Also, we have a free download, our beautiful digital posted of The Quantum Way 7-step Process to Radical Ownership and Accountability.
Finally, SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to receive special invitations and exclusive offers, and don't forget to ollow us on social media: LINKEDIN INSTAGRAM
If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review it so more people can unlock their magnetism through the benefit of their unique Human Design.
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
In the same way that there are mathematical formulas to describe the physical laws of mass, matter, motion, and every state of energy, Human Design is the mathematical formula for understanding the energetic blueprint that is you and unlocking your highest energetic frequency, or magnetism.
This episode unpacks my process for working my own design when I catch myself falling into shadow frequency. When we're armed with our Human Design blueprint and our Gene Key holographic profile, we spend less time in shadow and more time in gift.
If you want to learn more about your unique energetic blueprint and specific opportunities to unlock your magnetism, my Superpowers + Kryptonite reading is a wonderful place to start! Click here to learn more and book your 90-minute reading with me.
Also, we have a free download, our beautiful digital posted of The Quantum Way 7-step Process to Radical Ownership and Accountability.
Finally, SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to receive special invitations and exclusive offers, and don't forget to ollow us on social media: LINKEDIN INSTAGRAM
If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review it so more people can unlock their magnetism through the benefit of their unique Human Design.
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
11. Conditioning, Deconditioning, and a Case Study on My Struggle with Food Shame
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
When you meet your Human Design chart, you see a map for what you know to be true in you — your natural gifts and energetic predisposition — but you also have a map for where you are most vulnerable to the conditioning messages of others that interfere with your growth, development, and ultimate alignment with your true self.
Deconditioning is the process of unwinding those conditioned messages, but how does conditioning even start? Is it possible to avoid it? What is our role in it?
The bad news is that we're all subject to conditioning because, when we're kids, we don't have the awareness or self-reflective consciousness and life experience to stop the conditioning in its tracks.
The good news is that, once we develop awareness around our conditioning, we can reverse it through deep inquiry of our stories, bringing relief and restoring our freedom to simply be who we're meant to be.
This episode provides a case study from my own life around a topic that burdened me for most of my life — food shame. I began deconditioning the behaviors and beliefs that contributed to this dysfunction while attending a 9-day retreat to practice The Work with Byron Katie. I am no longer a victim of my obsessions — I'm in control of them.
Unveiling a New Study: Derailing the Cycle of Food Shame
Dan Buettner and The Blue Zones
Michael Pollan, "Eat Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Vegetables."
If you want to learn more about where you may be blocked by your own conditioning, my Superpowers + Kryptonite reading will help you. Click here to learn more and book your 90-minute reading with me.
Download our beautiful + beloved FREEBIE! The Quantum Way 7-step Process to Radical Ownership and Accountability
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Follow us on social media: LINKEDIN INSTAGRAM
If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review it so more people can benefit from healing through their Human Design.
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
If you've ever been distracted by petty grievances, this episode is for you. Pettiness is a symptom of being out of alignment with who you are meant to be in this world. It's a sign that, somewhere along the line, you either made a decision without your inner authority, OR you are reacting to underlying conditioning or wounds you've never had the opportunity to investigate and heal.
I use a petty example from my own life about a side order of couscous to bring to life the layers of drama my mind created to make me the "victor" when really it was keeping me in victim, fueled by some unhealed wounds from childhood.
After I share the ridiculousness, I walk you through my 5-step deconditioning process using Human Design, the Gene Keys, and The Work of Byron Katie.
Chetan Parkyn, Human Design practitioner
The Gene Keys Venus Sequence, by Richard Rudd
If you want to learn more about where you may be blocked by your own conditioning, my Superpowers + Kryptonite reading will help you. Click here to learn more and book your 90-minute reading with me.
Download our beautiful + beloved FREEBIE! The Quantum Way 7-step Process to Radical Ownership and Accountability
SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to receive special invitations and exclusive offers!
Follow us on social media: LINKEDIN INSTAGRAM
If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review it so more people can benefit from healing through their Human Design.
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
If the words "conditioning" and "deconditioning" are uncomfortable for you (as they were to me), this episode helps make the concepts more relatable and user-friendly.
Conditioning is really about the stories, beliefs, and behaviors we've unwittingly adopted over our life to fit in — with our families, social circles, workplace, or society at large. I use the current Return-to-Office battle lines as a backdrop to illustrate the inherited beliefs we followed without question pre-Covid, and how the veil has been lifted on those underlying assumptions post-Covid, changing the status quo between employer and employee.
If you want to learn how your Human Design and Gene Keys can change your life right now, book a Superpowers and Kryptonite reading. For a limited time, 100% of your reading fees can be credited to a private coaching package if booked within 10 calendar days of your reading.
Download our beautiful + beloved FREEBIE! The Quantum Way 7-step Process to Radical Ownership and Accountability
Follow us on social media: LINKEDIN INSTAGRAM
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Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
This episode is for anyone who wants to break a negative relationship pattern, whether it's in business, romance, family, or friendship.
Once you know your Human Design and start working with it instead of against it, you naturally begin to apply it to your relationships — past, present, and future. You begin to recognize patterns of self-sabotage, but now you have the tools of Human Design, the Gene Keys, and The Work of Byron Katie to deconstruct them and create new patterns that serve you.
If you're new to Human Design, get your free Human Design Chart!
If you want to learn how your Human Design and Gene Keys can change your life right now, book our Superpowers and Kryptonite reading. For a limited time, 100% of your reading fees can be credited to a private coaching package if booked within 10 calendar days of your reading.
Download our beautiful + beloved FREEBIE! The Quantum Way 7-step Process to Radical Ownership and Accountability
Follow us on social media: LINKEDIN INSTAGRAM
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Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
This episode takes us on a wild ride from every entrepreneur's greatest fear of failure and loss to their greatest ambition of success and profit.
When Covid hit, Francine lost 90% of her staff, which forced her to rethink everything — her worth, her approach to leadership, and her rules. Detachment was the first part of her process, using Byron Katie's The Work, which later led to Human Design and the Gene Keys.
Listen to the amazing story of how this Hudson Valley entrepreneur didn't just save her business — she completely turned it around and made it thrive using her Human Design.
If you're a salon owner eager to transform your salon using your Human Design, you're in luck — Francine is also a business coach! You can also follow her on Instagram.
GUEST:Francine Thompson, 5/1 Splenic Projector
Updates and offers from TO BE AUTHENTIC:
If you're new to Human Design, get your free Human Design Chart!
If you want to learn how your Human Design and Gene Keys can change your life right now, book Your Blueprint for Life™ analysis. For a limited time, 100% of your reading fees can be credited to a private coaching package if booked within 10 calendar days of your reading.
Download our beautiful + beloved FREEBIE! The Quantum Way 7-step Process to Radical Ownership and Accountability
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Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
This episode brings to life the way Byron Katie's "The Work" can be applied while Living Your Design to help accelerate your deconditioning process through inquiry of the self-limiting beliefs and stories that keep you out of alignment and in the energetic frequency of struggle. The Work is steps 6 and 7 in To Be Authentic's The Quantum Way, a 7-step practice for radical ownership and self-acceptance using Human Design, The Gene Keys, and The Work.
You can learn more about Byron Katie through her website and podcast.
Download our free The Quantum Way poster to use as a daily guide as you take radical ownership of your life, including your decisions and their consequences.
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Know how you're built — get your free Human Design Chart!
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