To Be Authentic, with Stacey Estrella
Your Human Design is a treasure map that tells you what’s uniquely you. It contains clues to unlock your true gifts, desires, and purpose, and it shows you how to achieve all of these with ease. When combined with the highest energetic frequency of your Gene Keys, you become magnetic — and the path to getting what you want becomes so much easier. This podcast will teach you how to access and trust your inner knowing as you align every part of your life with who you truly are. I will share stories from my own life; practical guidance for using the tools of Human Design and the Gene Keys; and interviews with experts and everyday people using these same tools to transform their lives and relationships.

Friday Mar 22, 2024
Friday Mar 22, 2024
Anna joins us from New York, NY. She's an unconventional career coach, incorporating spirituality and a focus on health and happiness into her purpose, messaging, and offers, and she wants to feel more certain about her approach as she continues to live in alignment with her Human Design.
Anna discovers that there will always be some friction around the idea of "certainty" in her design — she will always feel tension around knowing and doubt, fueled by the energies of her undefined centers, her split, and some of her hanging gates. For Anna, the feeling of "certainty" comes from holding the present moment, question, or idea.
She's a 4/1 Splenic Projector and has been living her design since 2022.
Click here to view the Human Design and Gene Key charts we referenced in this episode.
If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review it, or share it with someone who might benefit from knowing their Human Design.
Join 43,525,000+ people who are already living their unique Human Design.
Download your free Human Design Chart to start your journey of living in alignment with your unique energetic blueprint.
Learn more about The Gene Keys.
Interested in a free 90-minute Breakthrough Session? Apply here for an opportunity to be a Breakthrough Session guest on the podcast!
Click here to book a private breakthrough session.
We also have a free download, our beautiful digital posted of The Quantum Way 7-step Process to Radical Ownership and Accountability.
Finally, SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to receive special invitations and exclusive offers, and don't forget to follow To Be Authentic on social media: LINKEDIN INSTAGRAM

Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
20. Breakthrough Session with Jacinta: "I feel like something is missing"
Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
Jacinta joins us from Australia to break through the persistent nagging in the back of her mind that she should be doing "more" with her life, in spite of already having created a life filled with "all the things" — a great partner, a growing family, a beautiful home, and a successful career.
Jacinta is a 1/3 Sacral Generator with some persistent energies that keep her in deep inner conflict, as well as several open and undefined centers where she needs to become more aware and mindful about the conditioning messages that flow through and get amplified as she navigates the path of becoming her most authentic self.
Click here to view the Human Design and Gene Key charts we referenced in this episode.
Podcast mentions: The Gene Keys and The Work of Byron Katie
If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review it so more people can unlock their magnetism through the benefit of their unique Human Design.
Join 43,415,000+ people who are already living their unique Human Design.
Interested in a free 90-minute Breakthrough Session? Apply here for an opportunity to be a Breakthrough Session guest on the podcast!
Click here to book a private breakthrough session.
Also, we have a free download, our beautiful digital posted of The Quantum Way 7-step Process to Radical Ownership and Accountability.
Finally, SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to receive special invitations and exclusive offers, and don't forget to follow To Be Authentic on social media: LINKEDIN INSTAGRAM

Wednesday Feb 28, 2024
19. Three Ways to Start Living Your Human Design
Wednesday Feb 28, 2024
Wednesday Feb 28, 2024
This episode is for those who want to fast track their process of living their unique Human Design. I share three core strategies to focus your practice so you can experience meaningful change in your life:
1. Your Energy Type, Strategy, and Authority
2. Your Sun gate and Gene Key "frequency" dial
3. Your Profile Lines
Link to companion article, 3 Steps to Begin Living Your Human Design.
Chetan Parkyn, Human Design Practitioner
If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review it so more people can unlock their magnetism through the benefit of their unique Human Design.
Join 42,715,000+ people who are already living their unique Human Design.
If you want to learn more about your unique energetic blueprint and specific opportunities to unlock your magnetism, Your Blueprint for Life™ reading is a wonderful place to start! Click here to learn more and book your 90-minute reading with me.
Interested in a free 90-minute Breakthrough Session? Apply here for an opportunity to be a Breakthrough Session guest on the podcast!
Also, we have a free download, our beautiful digital posted of The Quantum Way 7-step Process to Radical Ownership and Accountability.
Finally, SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to receive special invitations and exclusive offers, and don't forget to follow To Be Authentic on social media: LINKEDIN INSTAGRAM

Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
This week's guest is Tara Bach, a Hudson Valley artist who is both wise and mystical. She met her Human Design in 2021 after "being bitch-slapped" by the Universe. Listen to her story and all the stages of deep awakening as she learns to live and love her Human Design.
Tara has just two defined centers, the Head and Ajna, so trusting her Authority is a process of really settling in to find an inner stillness that "responds" to vocalizing her thought process as she makes important decisions.
Tara talks coping mechanisms for a Projector mom of three with a lot to do and the feelings of bitterness and resentment that sometimes creep in; why questions and conversations around Purpose are so triggering; and the mystical experience of her awakening as she found herself painting herself as a child, then following that image to the origins of humanity and how Human Design is a path to global healing and peace.
Tara Bach, Abstract Ethereal Artist based in Saugerties, NY (near Woodstock) Instagram
If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review it so more people can unlock their magnetism through the benefit of their unique Human Design.
Join 42,715,000+ people who are already living their unique Human Design.
If you want to learn more about your unique energetic blueprint and specific opportunities to unlock your magnetism, Your Blueprint for Life™ reading is a wonderful place to start! Click here to learn more and book your 90-minute reading with me.
Also, we have a free download, our beautiful digital posted of The Quantum Way 7-step Process to Radical Ownership and Accountability.
Finally, SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to receive special invitations and exclusive offers, and don't forget to follow To Be Authentic on social media: LINKEDIN INSTAGRAM

Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
If your business or personal relationship has hit a rough patch, it might be worth looking at your Human Design connection chart.
Link to Duos
Link to family estrangement episode, Healing Sibling Relationships Using Human Design.
Join 42,660,000+ people who are already living their unique Human Design.
If you want to learn more about your unique energetic blueprint and specific opportunities to unlock your magnetism, Your Blueprint for Life™ reading is a wonderful place to start! Click here to learn more and book your 90-minute reading with me.
Also, we have a free download, our beautiful digital posted of The Quantum Way 7-step Process to Radical Ownership and Accountability.
Finally, SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to receive special invitations and exclusive offers, and don't forget to follow To Be Authentic on social media: LINKEDIN INSTAGRAM
If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review it so more people can unlock their magnetism through the benefit of their unique Human Design.

Monday Nov 06, 2023
16. The F-Word with Marcus Hays, the ”Steve Jobs” of EVs
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
"Failure" is another one of those taboo topics that we're all ashamed to talk about until we can share it against a backdrop of sensational success. In entrepreneurship and in life, failure is an essential part of experimentation and growth — it's the result of having the courage to step into the unknown where there is the risk of unexpected outcomes. For business, it can actually hold valuable clues to our most successful innovations — the 3M post-it note, being a classic example.
If you've been hiding behind the shame of past failures — personal or professional — this inspiring episode is for you. Listen as Marcus shares his perspective on the most important attitude for entrepreneurs (abundance), how to fail well, and the crippling effects of shame when we hide from our failures instead of owning them and moving on.
Marcus shares lessons from his 27-year career as an inventor and industrial designer in the field of mobility, beginning with the Pi-Cycle (now hanging in the Museum of Science and Industry Chicago) where he found himself competing head-to-head with Elon Musk for funding, to culminating in his current company, Orbis Electric, and its revolutionary EV in-wheel motor technology that can transform any combustion engine to a hybrid in under three hours.
Re-Inventing the Wheel: Marcus Hays (awesome article about Marcus's lifelong quest to save the air, the planet, and humanity)
Instagram LinkedIn
Orbis Electric
How In-Wheel Motors Work
Museum of Science and Industry Chicago, The Art of the Bicycle Exhibit
Who Killed the Electric Car?
Gossamer Albatross: Flight of Imagination
Join 43,000,000+ people who are already living their unique Human Design.
If you want to learn more about your unique energetic blueprint and specific opportunities to unlock your magnetism, Your Blueprint for Life™ reading is a wonderful place to start! Click here to learn more and book your 90-minute reading with me.
Also, we have a free download, our beautiful digital posted of The Quantum Way 7-step Process to Radical Ownership and Accountability.
Finally, SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to receive special invitations and exclusive offers, and don't forget to follow us on social media: LINKEDIN INSTAGRAM
If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review it so more people can unlock their magnetism through the benefit of their unique Human Design.

Monday Oct 30, 2023
15. Healing Sibling Relationships Using Human Design
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
This episode is for you if you're struggling (or know someone who's struggling) with family estrangement, especially with the upcoming holidays that can feel even more emotionally charged.
Family estrangement is a taboo topic that brings up a lot of blame and shame, and almost one out of two people in the U.S. have experience family estrangement at one point or another.
But like most relationship squabbles, they begin with wanting the other to be someone they're not.
This is why Human Design is so powerful. When you have your individual operating manual and really get to know it and start honoring it, you start showing up differently and let go of your expectations of the other, which creates enormous peace in your life, instead of resistance.
Sloane Reali, Women's Vocal Empowerment Coach
Episode 3, Learning to Live, Love, and Serve as a 3/5 Ego-Projected Projector
Find Your Voice, Rock Your Confidence, with Vocal Coach Sloane Reali
Free download! 26 Ways to Access Your Voice Instantly
Psychology Today | Why So Many Families Are Living with Estrangement
Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Science | Establishing a Prevalence Rate
Join 42,570,000+ people who are already living their unique Human Design.
If you want to learn more about your unique energetic blueprint and specific opportunities to unlock your magnetism, Your Blueprint for Life™ reading is a wonderful place to start! Click here to learn more and book your 90-minute reading with me.
Also, we have a free download, our beautiful digital posted of The Quantum Way 7-step Process to Radical Ownership and Accountability.
Finally, SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to receive special invitations and exclusive offers, and don't forget to follow To Be Authentic on social media: LINKEDIN INSTAGRAM
If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review it so more people can unlock their magnetism through the benefit of their unique Human Design.

Monday Oct 23, 2023
14. Dancing with the Red and Black in Your Human Design
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
If you find yourself trapped in self-sabotaging behaviors and don't know how to get unstuck, this episode is for you. What you see in you vs. what others see in you can be very different things for the very same energetics. "Decoding" the red (unconscious) and the black (conscious) can help you get in front of some of your mystifying (maybe even embarrassing) interpersonal dynamics.
To Be Magnetic — Raising your worthiness by changing your subconscious beliefs through neuroplasticity.
Join 42,525,000+ people who are already living their unique Human Design.
If you want to learn more about your unique energetic blueprint and specific opportunities to unlock your magnetism, Your Blueprint for Life™ reading is a wonderful place to start! Click here to learn more and book your 90-minute reading with me.
Also, we have a free download, our beautiful digital posted of The Quantum Way 7-step Process to Radical Ownership and Accountability.
Finally, SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to receive special invitations and exclusive offers, and don't forget to ollow us on social media: LINKEDIN INSTAGRAM
If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review it so more people can unlock their magnetism through the benefit of their unique Human Design.